- PS2, Xbox, Gamecube
- Computer
- Any TS game
- You dont need Xlink
- You play by first entering the chat. One person says a challenge or an arcade league game and everybody plays it. Once you have finished you post your score and the winner gets a point. The winner is the one with the most points at the end of the game.
- Tell your scores honestly
- No restarting
- You must be in the chat room
- No challenges that can go on forever, unless agreed on by everyone playing; ie Behead the Undead
- At the start everyone rolls the chat die and the highest number picks the first challenge; no changing the dies dimensions
- The challenges can be in the challenge or arcade league categories
- You can pick any challenge, but look at the rules above
- The next person who picks a challenge after the original is the person with the next closest letter in the alphabet
- Play as long as you want
- Set up play times and what game you want to do challenges on here
- Post here if you are going to play during a set time
- Make a post once your game starts
- Post the scores once the game ends
- You can pick a challenge that you have already played as long as everybody agrees to play it again
- Anyone can play in a challenge-a-thon, but in order for stats from your game to be added to the website, then you must establish yourself as an honest person on this site or in the chat.
- In the case of a tie just those who tied will replay the challenge to see who gets the point. If you tie again during your replay, then roll the die and the user with the highest number gets the point.
Set Times
- ~Around 6-8PM GMT(Pending) on Saturday!~
- http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/
- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html